Executive Business Coaching

Coaching is a professional relationship between two individuals (the coach and the coachee). The Coach assists the coachee in achieving personal or professional goals in an accelerated manner. By nature, it is very similar to athletic coaching -- the coach supports the client in manifesting his/her highest potential and in attaining agreed-upon goals. A coach encourages, confronts, challenges, questions, and above all, consistently honours, respects, and unconditionally supports a coachee in growing and achieving his or her goals.

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Why coaching and how it works

The coaching program has evolved based on scientific researched based systems on how the brain works. Coaching is a mixture of coaching, training, managing and mentoring all in one. The goals that one creates and achieves are not ordinary goals they are carefully drafted and executed along with strategies and actions. The best part of the program is goals can be measured against benchmarks decided mutually. The coach supports the coachee in this journey every step of the way.

Coaching objective

To support leaders from where they are to where they want to be in life in a systematic way that helps them enjoy the process and fulfil their goals and develop habits needed to be successful in business.

Coaching Approach

Step 1

Science-based (Prism Brain mapping) to find out the current reality.

Step 2

360 Degree feedback for understanding expectations and behaviour changes

Step 3

Clarity of goals along with the Coachee, and strategy to get to them

Step 4

Process-and technology focused, we work with a web and mobile app for monitoring change and tracking results.

Step 5

Coaching happens on a one on one basis with full commitment and trust from the coach and the coachee.

Step 6

Facilitating positive change by improved thinking leading to action and achieving desired outcomes

Coaching Methodology

Illumination : WHY
Head knowing or bringing to light

Impact : HOW
Only when there is deep impact, a deep level of understanding from the heart occurs

Inspiration for action : WHAT
The third level is more of reminders and pushing forth for action, as only actions impact life.
A system of TRELLO for tracking the coaching progress is used for the same purpose

Who should attend?

Senior management who have being in the organization for quite some time

Managers who are responsible for performances of their teams

Leaders who head a team and play a leadership roles in the organization

Business owners who wish to take there businesses to the next level.

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