Leadership Program


Leadership is an art, and our Leadership Training programs are the canvas for your masterpiece. In just one or two days, cultivate the skills necessary to inspire and influence your team positively. Navigate through the complexities of leadership, from strategic thinking to emotional intelligence, and emerge as a dynamic leader ready to face the challenges of the corporate world. 

We do customised training programs based on the outcome and the available time.

2-4 hour programs
1 /2/ 3 day programs

Change management

Navigate organizational transitions effectively with proactive change management strategies tailored to your leadership role.

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Big Picture Thinking

Develop a holistic perspective and strategic foresight through big picture thinking exercises, enabling innovative solutions and informed decision-making.

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Vision and Purpose

Define and communicate a compelling vision and purpose to inspire your team and drive organizational alignment towards shared goals.

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Obstacles and New Habits

Overcome obstacles and cultivate new habits that align with your leadership vision, fostering personal and professional growth.

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Organisational Values

Embed organizational values into your leadership approach, fostering a culture of integrity, respect, and excellence within your team.

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Practical Style Flexing

Apply practical psychology techniques and adapt your leadership style to effectively engage and motivate diverse team members.

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Influencing and persuasion skills

Hone your influencing and persuasion skills to garner support for your ideas and initiatives, fostering collaboration and achieving desired outcomes.

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Breaking self limiting beliefs

Challenge self-limiting beliefs and cultivate personal power, empowering yourself and your team to overcome challenges and achieve success.

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Conflict Resolution

Resolve conflicts proactively and constructively, fostering a positive team dynamic and maintaining productivity and morale.

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Crucial Conversations

Master the art of crucial conversations, navigating challenging discussions with finesse and achieving mutually beneficial outcomes.

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Building a high performance

Lead and develop high-performance teams by fostering trust, collaboration, driving collective success, and achieving organizational objectives.

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Situational leadership

Adapt your leadership approach to varying situations and team dynamics through situational leadership principles, maximizing effectiveness and impact.

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Psychometric analysis

Utilize psychometric analysis tools to gain insights into your leadership style and team dynamics, optimizing communication and collaboration.

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Emotional intelligence

Cultivate emotional intelligence competencies to enhance self-awareness, empathy, and relationship management, elevating your leadership effectiveness.

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Coaching and Mentoring

Empower and develop your team members through coaching and mentoring relationships, unlocking their full potential and fostering professional growth.

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